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What are the Top 8 Effects of CBD?

CBD has gained a lot of attention in the last few years, and it is now one of the most sought-after supplements. CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of at least 113 active cannabinoids identified in cannabis.

CBD does not cause any psychoactive effects (such as euphoria and hallucinations) because it has a negligible affinity for CB1 receptors. Instead, CBD Bongs is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, antipsychotic, analgesic, anticonvulsive, antidepressant, and antitumor effects, among others. It is also approved in many countries as a pharmaceutical drug, and yu can buy the products at the abilene CBD shop.

Below are some of the effects of CBD:

  1. Anti-inflammatory

CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects in virtually all disease models studied. For example, in a mouse model of colitis, oral administration of CBD decreased the number of lesions per colon and their overall size. It also increased the growth rate in healthy tissue. It means that when suffering from this condition, it is advisable to use CBD oil.

  1. Neuroprotective

When the brain is injured, it can activate a process called gliosis. During this process, astrocytes do not function properly and start forming out-of-control scar tissue, leading to progressive damage in neurological functions. However, CBD has been shown to inhibit gliosis in an experimental model of stroke. It means that CBD is neuroprotective and can be used in patients who suffer from this condition.

  1. Anticonvulsive/antiepileptic

CBD has been shown to decrease the frequency of convulsions in animals with experimental epilepsy by about 50%. It also has an anticonvulsive effect in humans. It means that it can lower the risk of developing epilepsy and may even treat patients with this condition.

  1. Antidepressant

CBD has been shown to possess antidepressant and anxiolytic properties in animal models (though at a much higher dose). It was also effective in human trials as an antidepressant and anxiolytic. It means that CBD can be used to treat depression and anxiety in patients.

  1. Analgesic

CBD has been shown to possess analgesic properties by decreasing pain perception in experimental models of acute pain, chronic inflammatory, and cancer pain. It also reduced capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia (a condition of pain and hypersensitivity to stimuli resulting from damage to the somatosensory system).

  1. Anti-tumoral

CBD has been shown to decrease the growth of different types of tumor cells such as breast and lung while having little effect on normal tissue like healthy cells. It may also cause apoptosis (death of cancer cells) and reduce tumor metastasis.

  1. Anti-psychotic

CBD has been shown to possess anti-psychotic effects in both human and animal models, mainly when used at high doses. It means that CBD may be effective for treating psychosis where pharmacological treatment options are limited or unavailable.

  1. Anxiolytic

CBD has been shown to decrease anxiety in patients with social anxiety disorder, specifically public speaking, using virtual reality simulations. It means that CBD can treat patients with this condition at home or outside of the hospital.

Final Thoughts

CBD has been proven to be a powerful supplement for a wide range of health conditions. However, its effectiveness varies from individual to individual. For this reason, you should consult your physician before using CBD oil or other products that contain the compound.