Phat Muscle Society

Health Blog

Tyrese Bartoletti

Exploring Professional Teeth Cleaning – Benefits

Maintaining your oral hygiene is very important since it helps to maintain your overall well-being. Thus, many professionals of Buffalo Grove insist on having a teeth cleaning procedure twice a year. Professional teeth cleaning comes with many benefits that help…

Causes of trichotillomania and its homeopathy treatment

Pathological hair pulling, often known as trichotillomania, is a frequent yet underdiagnosed mental illness. Trichotillomania patients have an uncontrollable impulse to pluck out their hair. Many trichotillomania might not be aware that their ailment is a diagnosable one. They might…

Identifying and Managing Contagious Rashes in Children: A Parent’s Guide

Children’s rash can be a common occurrence, especially during childhood. While many rashes are harmless and resolve on their own, some rashes can be contagious and require medical attention. As a parent, it’s important to know how to identify and…

Top 3 Tips for Consistent Post-Gastric Sleeve Workouts

Undergoing a gastric sleeve procedure can be a life-changing experience, improving your health and overall quality of life. However, maintaining consistency in workouts and making a commitment to a healthier lifestyle can be challenging for some patients. To ensure long-term…

An Overview of Gastric Bypass Surgery: What You Need to Know

Gastric bypass surgery is a major procedure that can help severely overweight people lose weight and improve their overall health. It involves repositioning the stomach and small intestine to create a smaller stomach pouch, reducing calorie intake, and limiting the…

Reducing Alcohol Consumption To Avoid Serious Withdrawal Symptoms

People who have been drinking liquor too much may have adverse effect on their brain. For such people, it is best to reduce the intake and gradually avoid consuming liquor completely. A severe addiction to liquor or a history of…

Exploring Compensation for Nevada Test Site Workers: A Battle Against Occupational Hazards

In the vast stretch of the Nevada desert lies a historic site that once held some of the most significant secrets of the Cold War era. The Nevada Test Site, now the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), was the epicenter…

Ways to Combat Coughs and Colds

Coughs and colds, often referred to as upper respiratory infections, are a common affliction that many of us face from time to time. While these illnesses are typically mild and self-limiting, they can certainly make us feel miserable. When it…