Phat Muscle Society

Health Blog

Month: January 2023

Krotam: that works as medicine without side effects

Kratom, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is an alternative medicine commonly used in Southeast Asia as a tea or powder. Different kratom strains have varying effects depending on the strain colour, origin and dosage. Though this kratom is not approved…

Exploring Compensation for Nevada Test Site Workers: A Battle Against Occupational Hazards

In the vast stretch of the Nevada desert lies a historic site that once held some of the most significant secrets of the Cold War era. The Nevada Test Site, now the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS), was the epicenter…

What are the Most Effective Acne Scar Treatments in Singapore?

Acne commonly appears for the first time when puberty occurs. Androgens are a type of hormone that causes a rise in the production of sebum in the skin. Comedones, otherwise called whiteheads and blackheads, are caused by sebum and dead…

A Guide to Eyeliner Embroidery

Most women desire to use eyeliner every day, but many find it difficult for various reasons. As a result, individuals seek answers to this aesthetic problem, and the invention of semi-permanent cosmetic technology, known as eyeliner embroidery, has made it…

What is Carbon Laser and How Can It Help Clear Your Skin?

Have you heard about Carbon Laser Peel and are curious what it may do for you? That’s the purpose of this blog post: to explain what Carbon Laser therapy is, how it functions, and what advantages you may anticipate. Continue…

Ways to Combat Coughs and Colds

Coughs and colds, often referred to as upper respiratory infections, are a common affliction that many of us face from time to time. While these illnesses are typically mild and self-limiting, they can certainly make us feel miserable. When it…