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Accredited Programs and Certifications Required for A Phlebotomist

A phlebotomist is a person that is well versed in drawing blood in all the medical institutions, where there is a requirement for drawing blood for testing many things. Some phlebotomists even work on sample collections by visiting every home on their way. The person will even focus on making the patients feel relaxed and happy while drawing blood from their bodies. 

Do you plan to become a phlebotomist? If yes, then you can take the help of many institutions. One such option is Swiss Hospitality Management. They are quite famous for offering the best training and also the certification in phlebotomy. You can visit their official webpage to learn more about the way their program benefits you. 

Works of a Phlebotomist 

Here are some of the works that are listed as the responsibilities of a phlebotomist. 

  • Sending some samples such as fecal and urine samples to the concerned laboratories. 
  • Explaining in detail how the phlebotomy process works. 
  • Checking and noting down the respiration rate, blood pressure, and pulse of the patients. 
  • Keeping the records of the patients up-to-date. 
  • Sterilization and cleaning of the equipment. 
  • Preparing the reagents and stains. 

Becoming a Phlebotomist 

The time duration that is required for completing the phlebotomy course will depend solely on the education program that you choose from any accredited institution. The maximum time duration required for completing this program is about a year or so, and the minimum time interval is about 7 to 8 weeks. 

The vocational schools offer different phlebotomy programs for the students, and their method completely varies with that of the community college. However, you should check the available options in the programs such as the inclusion of the clinical hours, and instructional hours while choosing an educational program for you. 

The certification of phlebotomy from a nationally accredited institution might require more than a few months to complete the program. They cover everything in their course, including the option to apply for the best national medical institutions in any particular country. 

Workplaces of a Phlebotomist 

Some of the workplaces that are ideal for a phlebotomist to build their career are listed below. 

  • Healthcare settings 
  • Laboratories 
  • Hospitals 
  • Donation facilities 
  • Physician’s offices 

The phlebotomists are allowed to work in shifts like every other medical professional. They are allowed to accompany the concerned medical specialists if there is a necessity of drawing some blood for some procedures. They even offer homebound services as well. 

The higher the working experience of any medical professional, the higher will be the chances of them obtaining strong positions in the concerned medical facilities. Since there are not many professionals that can handle the sight of blood or syringe, the demand for phlebotomists in their medical facilities is quite high. This has resulted in opening a door of many opportunities to them. 

Required Skills 

  • People skills 
  • Soothing presence 
  • Active listening 
  • Time management skills 
  • Patience 
  • Clear communicator 
  • Comfortable to work in a different environment 
  • A knack for finding a solution at critical situations 

Are you a strong person with the capacity to withstand the sight of blood? If yes, then the phlebotomist job is for you. Complete your training course today and find the best-fitting job for you.