Phat Muscle Society

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Kamagra Oral Jelly – An Erection Medication

Erectile dysfunction is quite common nowadays among men. It is not specifically due to internal problems, but most men suffer from stress and anxiety, which affects their sexual organs. During erectile dysfunction, men are partially or completely unable to maintain the erection of their male organs. Some men are not able to maintain an erection for a longer period. 

Many of them can maintain their erection and provide sexual pleasure to their partner with the help of medication. However, those who can’t maintain it completely, need to see a doctor. Viagra has been a popular medicine among men for sexual pleasure. Recently another medicine has gained a lot of attention, Kamagra. 

Kamagra is available in the form of pills, chewable tablets, and oral jelly. The medicine can be consumed in any form, those who want to swallow with water can go with pills, while those who love chewing can try chewable tablets. Kamagra oral jelly comes in sachets in appropriate quantities. 

Kamagra oral jelly is easily available online and Top Apotheke. Top Apotheke is the leading supplier of generic drugs in Switzerland, Austria, and Germany. They offer all medicines including branded drugs at the lowest price. Erektionsmittel Kamagra 100mg ohne Rezept bei Top-Apo sicher hier zu bestellen

The treatment of ED is facilitated by the use of both Kamagra and Viagra medications. One of the best treatments to help you overcome your problem is Kamagra oral jelly and Viagra.

Dosage of Kamagra Oral jelly 

Kamagra can be consumed in a similar form as that of Viagra. The only difference is, that Viagra is swallowed with water and Kamagra oral jelly is drunk from the sachet.

However, before starting the drug, speak with your doctor.

  • You must consistently take the recommended dosage of Kamagra Oral Jelly. 
  • Start with the lowest strengths and dosage.
  • If it doesn’t add up, you can visit your doctor about extending the dose.
  • Kamagra is available in a jelly-like form which is simpler to swallow.
  • Tear open the jelly sachet and put it in your mouth. You can either eat it with a spoon or straight out of the bag.
  • The best outcomes can be obtained when consumed without water.
  • Unless advised, one should not take more than one pill within 24 hours.
  • It is most effective for treating ED when taken about an hour before engaging in sexual activity.


Viagra has always been a favourite of many men as it lasts long. However, Kamagra oral jelly is also known for its long-lasting effect. both medications are generally taken 1 hour before the sexual activity. They both show results within 30 minutes to 1 hour. However, Viagra lasts for 5-6 hours whereas Kamagra oral jelly lasts for 3-4 hours. But the effect has no difference. 

Overdosage of any medication is harmful whether it is Viagra, Kamagra, or any other sexual enhancers. It is always recommended to consult a doctor before consuming any sexual enhancer and Kamagra oral jelly is no different. Do not consume alcohol or grape juice when under Kamagra’s influence. 

If consumed appropriately and in the right dosage, you not only enjoy your sexual life, but also keep your partner satisfied.